The Wapp offers many good options in the vicinity of Reykjavik. There are easy hikes and more advanced hikes, definitely something for everyone.

Winter sunrise from the slopes of peak Þverfellshorn of Mt. Esja.
Many like to consider the peak Þverfellshorn in Esja mountain as the most suitable hike since it is the most popular one and thousands of photos are online from Steinn (The Rock) at 660 m elevation. Even though Þverfellshorn with Steinn is very beautiful there is still plenty of other options.
Nearby Þverfellshorn is Kerhólakambur in Esja to the west and Móskarðshnúkar to the east.

Peak Kerhólakambur in Mt. Esja is a challenge but the view is rewarding.
Kerhólakambur is more steep and a bit more difficult but you might have the trail all to yourself, and the view across the ocean to Reykjavík is stunning.

Móskarðshnúkar Peaks in Mt. Esja are always nice.
Same goes with Móskarðshnúkar in terms of difficulty but it is less difficult than Kerhólakambur and the view is better to the inland in the east and to the north. Vífilsfell is lower than Esja but still a challenge with two or three hills on the way.

The sunsets are beautiful when seen from the peak of Mt. Vífilsfell.
Other mountains are lower and easier. Mosfell provides a healthy challenge, with rich history and a beautiful view.
Úlfarsfell is one of the most popular mountains and provides a closer view over Reykjavík than the other ones since it is in the Grafarholt suburb.
Húsfell, Helgafell and Valahnúkar in Hafnarfjörður town upland are nice options with Helgafell being the highest of them and the favourite for hikers in Hafnarfjörður town.

The troll family that turned into stone on top of the small Mt. Valahnúkar. They can be seen on the Helgafell or Husfell trails.
Garðabær area offers the beautiful trail in Búrfellsgjá, a lava channel and a crater with caves and stories of old times.
The old trail of Fógetastígur (Sheriff’s trail) is in Gálgahraun lava field and it is hard to believe that you are in the middle of a habited area while you are hiking the old trail and reliving the stories.
Lake Vífilsstaðavatn is the easiest of these hikes and quite suitable for beginners with an easy climb up to the cairn Gunnhildur.
All these trails are suitable to see the aurora borealis (northern lights) in the winter since they are mostly out of the lightpost areas. In the winter you must have a headlight since the daylight is a scarce resource. Crampons and an ice axe are essential for the more difficult hikes, but microspikes and hiking poles for the easier hikes.
Have fun hiking with the Wapp Walking app!
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