Glymur waterfall is situated in the Botnsdalur valley in Hvalfjörður fjord. The river Botnsá runs from Hvalvatn lake and falls into the 200 m high Glymur canyon creating the waterfall. It has been described as the highest waterfall in Iceland but the exact height is somewhat disputed and the numbers 196 m and 198 m seem to be equally as common when the height is described.

The trail lies through Þvottahellir (Laundry cave) it was used to dry laundry in the old days if it was raining.

The trail lies through Þvottahellir (Laundry cave) it was used to dry laundry in the old days if it was raining.

The route up to Glymur can be found in the Wapp – Walking app with lots of info and stories on the area. Amongst those are stories of the last farmer in the Botnsdalur valley, the folklore on how the names of Hvalfjörður, Glymur and Hvalvatn were created and many more.

Botnsdalur valley and Hvalfjordur fjord from Glymur canyon.

Botnsdalur valley and Hvalfjordur fjord from Glymur canyon.